Tuesday, October 28, 2014

GotG #11 - A Clash of Clans

The continuation from last week's comic.  Paladin Hammerhandle tries to hold the line allowing Concealcarry and Huhot to make a swift retreat.  Unfortunately for them a group of bloodthirsty horde have taken notice to their struggle and have moved in for a swift kill.

I think I missed the mark this week with the comic.  I had a lot of ambition with this confrontation and I feel that it has fallen flat in several areas.  My editing skills (or lack thereof) really show here and I'm just not happy with the outcome.  I think my biggest problem is that all of these characters are on one account, so I have to get screen captures of each individually and edit them together to make a scene. Most of the action shots weren't even taken in the Blasted Lands.

I can hopefully finish up this part of the story next week and move back to comics that don't rely so heavily on editing.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

GotG #10 - The Fate of Worlds

Another long patch this week, so here is a comic!

You can find the full-res version HERE

I haven't formally introduced my Horde characters very well yet, but plan to in the comics in the near future.  For now I can give you a short rundown of who they are.

Hankz - Undead Mage
Staticprofit - Goblin Shaman
Stankfunk - Troll Druid
Broxeph - Orc Warrior

Since this story features some internal dialogue for my mage, Hankz, I'll expand on him a bit.  Hankz is the leader of this small unit and a little on the crazy side.  Years of being undead hasn't gone well for him.  He is still a master tactitian, but his hatred for the Alliance and the slow onset of dementia sometimes clouds his view.

I'm hoping to get another comic out this week, but I'm not sure how that will pan out.  Between trying to get that elusive Headless Horseman mount, and as many Garrosh heirlooms as possible, my free time is pretty busy for a change.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

GotG #9 - To The Portal!

Happy 6.0.2 day!

The Paladin Hammerhandle and his team have made it to the Blasted Lands to lend aid in dealing with the invasion force coming through the Dark Portal.

Without the help of their priest, Charyou, they've come up against some fairly staggering odds.  It looks like the Horde has also made their way to the portal.

There is definitely some bad blood between these two groups, but that will be explored sometime later.

I'm looking forward to the patch today, so I can start capturing these images on the liver servers rather than needing to log on to the beta to get them.  I have plenty to carry me through the next several issues, but I find that there are always one or two frames I don't have quite right.  6.0.2 will make my whole process considerably easier moving forward.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

GotG #8 - The Beast's Burden

After nearly a year of separation, Hammerhandle finds his second in command, Priest Charyou, alone in an abandoned church in Gilneas.  Will he be able to convince Charyou to once again take up arms against an unknown threat?

You can find the full-res version HERE

In the next episode the team gathers in the Blasted Lands to confront the invasion force head-on, but there are more threats to worry about than what is coming through the Dark Portal.

Who is Ahxanna?  The back-story has covered a good deal of ground in my own mind, but I'm not sure when or how I will be able to interject it into the comic. I should be able to cover all of the questions at some point while there are content lulls in the in-game story.  I also think it's good to build some mystery into stories, especially stories like this one that have a familiar theme.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

GotG #7 - The Sniper

Hammerhandle continues his journey to bring his team back together to confront the threat at the Dark Portal.  Specialist Concealcarry is the right guy for the job when it comes to tracking and infiltration.

I've started to use a filter on the images to make them pop a bit more and bring a more comic book feel to the whole thing.

You can find the full-res version HERE

GotG #6 - The Brewmaster

Hammerhandle continues his quest to bring his elite task force back together for another mission.  His first stop is in Ironforge to rouse Brewmaster Huhot and convince him to fight once more for the Alliance.

You can find the full-res version HERE

GotG #5 - A Call to Arms

Field Marshal Hammerhandle is summoned to see King Varian Wrynn.  Reports have been coming in about a new invasion force coming through the Dark Portal.  King Wrynn charges Hammerhandle with gathering his elite task force to confront the invaders and put an end to the threat.

You can find the full-res version HERE

GotG #4 - The Sneeze of Orgrimmar

The story continues where issue 3 left off.  Enraged warrior Broxeph pursues young troll hunter Brujeria into Orgrimmar intent on bringing her to Orc Justice.

You can find the full-res version HERE

GotG #3 - You Killed BunBun

This is a good place to start.  By this point I had worked out most of the kinks and am starting on an actual story that should carry us into Warlords of Draenor.

You can find the full-res version HERE

There have been a few questions about the first two comics, since the posts here start at #3.  I didn't initially post them to the blog because while making those two I was still figuring a lot of things out.  The image quality on them is poor, the resolution is enormous, and they don't really deal with much as far as a continuing story.

For the sake of having them available, here are some direct links to them on imgur

GotG #0 This was a test run to see what I could and couldn't do.
GotG #1: Lexicon Artist
GotG #2: Holy Resolution Beardman!

The best place to start is still #3.