Another long patch this week, so here is a comic!
You can find the full-res version
I haven't formally introduced my Horde characters very well yet, but plan to in the comics in the near future. For now I can give you a short rundown of who they are.
Hankz - Undead Mage
Staticprofit - Goblin Shaman
Stankfunk - Troll Druid
Broxeph - Orc Warrior
Since this story features some internal dialogue for my mage, Hankz, I'll expand on him a bit. Hankz is the leader of this small unit and a little on the crazy side. Years of being undead hasn't gone well for him. He is still a master tactitian, but his hatred for the Alliance and the slow onset of dementia sometimes clouds his view.
I'm hoping to get another comic out this week, but I'm not sure how that will pan out. Between trying to get that elusive Headless Horseman mount, and as many Garrosh heirlooms as possible, my free time is pretty busy for a change.